Source code for dust_attenuation.shapes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u

from .baseclasses import BaseAttAvModel
from .helpers import _test_valid_x_range, _positive_klambda

from .averages import C00, L02
from astropy.modeling import Parameter, InputParameterError

__all__ = ["N09", "SBL18"]

x_range_N09 = [0.097, 2.2]
x_range_SBL18 = [0.097, 2.2]

[docs] class N09(BaseAttAvModel): r""" Attenuation curve using a modified version of the Calzetti law allowing for a varying UV slope and the presence of a UV bump. Parameters ---------- x0: float Central wavelength of the UV bump (in microns). gamma: float Width (FWHM) of thhe UV bump (in microns). ampl: float Amplitude of the UV bump. slope: float Slope of the power law. Av: float attenuation in V band. Raises ------ InputParameterError Input Av values outside of defined range Notes ----- The original formalism is from Noll et al, A&A 507, 1793–1813 (2009). Example: .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import astropy.units as u from dust_attenuation.shapes import N09 fig, ax = plt.subplots() # generate the curves and plot them x = np.arange(0.5,10,0.1)/u.micron slopes = [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1] for slope in slopes: att_model = N09(Av=1,ampl=3.5,slope=slope) ax.plot(x,att_model(1/x),label=r'$\delta$ = %.2f' % (slope)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$ [$\mu m^{-1}$]') ax.set_ylabel(r'A(x) [mag]') ax.legend(loc='best') plt.title("Noll09 with varying slopes") """ x_range = x_range_N09 # Did not want to create a new base class only for this particular model. # So parameters are defined here. x0 = Parameter(description="bump: centroid", default=0.2175, min=0) gamma = Parameter(description="bump: width (FWHM)", default=0.035, min=0) ampl = Parameter(description="bump: amplitude ", default=0, min=0) slope = Parameter( description="slope: slope of the power law", default=0.0, min=-3.0, max=3.0 ) # Had to redefine the Av parameter though it is defined in the parent class # May be beause new Parameters are defined here?... Av = Parameter(description="Av: attenuation in V band ", default=1.0, min=0.0) @x0.validator def x0(self, value): """ Check that x0 is in the valid range Parameters ---------- value: float x0 value to check Raises ------ InputParameterError Input x0 values outside of defined range """ if value < 0.0: raise InputParameterError("parameter x0 must be positive") @gamma.validator def gamma(self, value): """ Check that gamma is in the valid range Parameters ---------- value: float gamma value to check Raises ------ InputParameterError Input gamma values outside of defined range """ if value < 0.0: raise InputParameterError("parameter gamma must be positive") @ampl.validator def ampl(self, value): """ Check that ampl is in the valid range Parameters ---------- value: float ampl value to check Raises ------ InputParameterError Input ampl values outside of defined range """ if value < 0.0: raise InputParameterError("parameter ampl must be positive") @slope.validator def slope(self, value): """ Check that the slope is in the valid range Parameters ---------- value: float slope value to check Raises ------ InputParameterError Input slope values outside of defined range """ if (value < -3.0) or (value > 3.0): raise InputParameterError("parameter slope must be between " "-3.0 and 3.0") @Av.validator def Av(self, value): """ Check that Av is in the valid range Parameters ---------- value: float Av value to check Raises ------ InputParameterError Input Av values outside of defined range """ if value < 0.0: raise InputParameterError("parameter Av must be positive") # Rv from Calzetti 2000 Rv_C00 = 4.05
[docs] def uv_bump(self, x, x0, gamma, ampl): """ Drude profile for computing the UV bump. Parameters ---------- x: np array (float) expects wavelengths in [micron] x0: float Central wavelength of the UV bump (in microns). gamma: float Width (FWHM) of the UV bump (in microns). ampl: float Amplitude of the UV bump. Returns ------- np array (float) lorentzian-like Drude profile Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ return ampl * ( x ** 2 * gamma ** 2 / ((x ** 2 - x0 ** 2) ** 2 + x ** 2 * gamma ** 2) )
[docs] def power_law(self, x, slope): """ Power law normalised at 0.55 microns (V band). Parameters ---------- x: np array (float) expects wavelengths in [micron] slope: float slope of the power law Returns ------- powlaw: np array (float) power law """ return (x / 0.55) ** slope
[docs] def k_lambda(self, x, x0, gamma, ampl, slope): """ Compute the starburst reddening curve k'(λ)=A(λ)/E(B-V) using recipe of Calzetti 2000 and Leitherer 2002 Parameters ---------- in_x: np array (float) expects either x in units of wavelengths or frequency or assumes wavelengths in [micron] internally microns are used x0: float Central wavelength of the UV bump (in microns). gamma: float Width (FWHM) of thhe UV bump (in microns). ampl: float Amplitude of the UV bump. slope: float Slope of the power law. Returns ------- k_lambda: np array (float) k_lambda(x) reddening curve Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ # convert to wavenumbers (1/micron) if x input in units # otherwise, assume x in appropriate wavenumber units with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral()): x_quant = u.Quantity(x, u.micron, dtype=np.float64) # strip the quantity to avoid needing to add units to all the # polynomical coefficients x = x_quant.value # check that the wavenumbers are within the defined range _test_valid_x_range(x, self.x_range, "N09") # setup the axEbv vectors axEbv = np.zeros(len(x)) # Compute reddening curve using Calzetti 2000 mask_C00 = x > 0.15 axEbv[mask_C00] = C00().k_lambda(x[mask_C00]) # Use recipe of Leitherer 2002 below 0.15 microns mask_L02 = x <= 0.15 mask_L02 &= x >= L02.x_range[0] axEbv[mask_L02] = L02().k_lambda(x[mask_L02]) # Add the UV bump using the Drude profile axEbv += self.uv_bump(x, x0, gamma, ampl) # Multiply the reddening curve with a power law with varying slope axEbv *= self.power_law(x, slope) return _positive_klambda(axEbv)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, Av, x0, gamma, ampl, slope): """ N09 function Parameters ---------- x: np array (float) expects either x in units of wavelengths or frequency or assumes wavelengths in [micron] internally microns are used Av: float attenuation in V band. x0: float Central wavelength of the UV bump (in microns). gamma: float Width (FWHM) of thhe UV bump (in microns). ampl: float Amplitude of the UV bump. slope: float Slope of the power law. Returns ------- att: np array (float) Att(x) attenuation curve [mag] Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ axEbv = self.k_lambda(x, x0, gamma, ampl, slope) ax = axEbv / self.Rv_C00 * Av return ax
[docs] class SBL18(N09): r""" Attenuation curve using a modified version of the Calzetti law allowing for a varying UV slope and the presence of a UV bump. Parameters ---------- Av: float attenuation in V band. x0: float Central wavelength of the UV bump (in microns). gamma: float Width (FWHM) of thhe UV bump (in microns). ampl: float Amplitude of the UV bump. slope: float Slope of the power law. Raises ------ InputParameterError Input Av values outside of defined range Notes ----- Modification of N09 formalism: the UV bump was added before applying the power law correction in N09, in this class the UV bump is now added after the power law correction. This modification is first mentionned in in ApJ, Volume 859, Issue 1, article id. 11, 17 pp. (2018) Example: .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import astropy.units as u from dust_attenuation.shapes import SBL18 fig, ax = plt.subplots() # generate the curves and plot them x = np.arange(0.5,10,0.1)/u.micron slopes = [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1] for slope in slopes: att_model = SBL18(Av=1,ampl=3.5,slope=slope) ax.plot(x,att_model(1/x),label=r'$\delta$ = %.2f' % (slope)) ax.set_xlabel('$x$ [$\mu m^{-1}$]') ax.set_ylabel('A(x) [mag]') ax.legend(loc='best') plt.title("SBL18 with varying slopes") """ x_range = x_range_SBL18
[docs] def k_lambda(self, x, x0, gamma, ampl, slope): """ Compute the starburst reddening curve k'(λ)=A(λ)/E(B-V) using recipe of Calzetti 2000 and Leitherer 2002 Parameters ---------- in_x: np array (float) expects either x in units of wavelengths or frequency or assumes wavelengths in [micron] internally microns are used x0: float Central wavelength of the UV bump (in microns). gamma: float Width (FWHM) of thhe UV bump (in microns). ampl: float Amplitude of the UV bump. slope: float Slope of the power law. Returns ------- k_lambda: np array (float) k_lambda(x) reddening curve Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ # convert to wavenumbers (1/micron) if x input in units # otherwise, assume x in appropriate wavenumber units with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral()): x_quant = u.Quantity(x, u.micron, dtype=np.float64) # strip the quantity to avoid needing to add units to all the # polynomical coefficients x = x_quant.value # check that the wavenumbers are within the defined range _test_valid_x_range(x, self.x_range, "SBL18") # setup the axEbv vectors axEbv = np.zeros(len(x)) # Compute reddening curve using Calzetti 2000 mask_C00 = x > 0.15 axEbv[mask_C00] = C00().k_lambda(x[mask_C00]) # Use recipe of Leitherer 2002 below 0.15 microns mask_L02 = x <= 0.15 axEbv[mask_L02] = L02().k_lambda(x[mask_L02]) # Multiply the reddening curve with a power law with varying slope axEbv *= self.power_law(x, slope) # Add the UV bump using the Drude profile axEbv += self.uv_bump(x, x0, gamma, ampl) return _positive_klambda(axEbv)